What's the Matter?

We're starting to really get into science and the students are loving it. We just finished learning about the scientific method that included some exciting hands-on activities using Gobstoppers and gummy worms. We are now starting to talk about the different states of matter. Students got to experiment with oobleck (slime) last week. They discovered the unique properties of this non-Newtonian fluid. It behaves as a liquid until force or pressure is applied to it; then it acts as a solid. This is a very easy and inexpensive experiment that you can try with your children at home. All you need is some cornstarch and water (food coloring optional). You just need to use a 2:1 ratio of cornstarch to water or two parts cornstarch for every one part of water. Thoroughly mix it until you start to see and feel the mixture resisting being mixed further. This is how you know the have right consistency. The oobleck is ready to be "played" with at this point.

In math, we are working on operations with decimals. Our current standard is 6.C.2 - Compute with positive decimals fluently using a standard algorithmic approach. Students need to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide positive decimals. This will set us up for our next standard which will involve using these skills in real world problems such as those that involve money.

We are off to a great start this year. Please make sure students are practicing their multiplication facts at home as much as possible. This is a great way to make the current math we are working on easier for them. Thanks for your support!


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