
Showing posts from May, 2014

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye!

It's hard to believe that the school year is almost over. Despite all of the standardized  testing, wild winter weather and all of those makeup days, it's been a great year. I've truly enjoyed my first year in a homeroom and I will miss the students and the relationships I've formed with them this past year. I wish everyone the best of luck at NJHS or whatever school you plan to attend next year. I hope you have learned not only a lot of math and science this year but also how to be a respectful, responsible, organized person along the way. Take care and come back to visit me next year!

The Amazing Race

ISTEP is over and it's time to take a long, deep breath! What a relief - all of our standards have been taught and we have finished our standardized testing for the year! It's time to relax and have a little fun. For the remainder of the school year, students will be participating in the 6th grade Delaware version of The Amazing Race. Students will have to use math skills they learned this year to answer questions and earn points that will be cashed in for miles so they can travel to different parts of the world. Students will have to plan out their route of travel to different world cities: Athens, Greece - Rome, Italy - London, England - Veracruz, Mexico - and Manaus, Brazil. Students will compete in teams which will require cooperation and teamwork along the way. Numerous math, writing and social studies standards will be incorporated in The Amazing Race. Teams will have to write diary entries about the places they visit and their trip along the way. They will need to use ...