LCM, GCF & Fractions

In math, we are currently working with LCM (least common multiple) and GCF (greatest common factor) to solve fraction problems. This can be a difficult concept for students if they do not know their multiplication facts and/or are not accustomed to prime factorization. We are working with multiple ways to solve these problems and giving students more than way to learn how to do this. However, students must know how to factor numbers properly and not use shortcuts. This is a key concept that students must master as several upcoming standards are based upon knowing how to properly find the LCM and GCF of two or more numbers.

In science, we are currently studying Ecology. This involves the study of ecosystems and the world's different biomes. Students are creating a Google presentation on ecosystems, biomes and food chains/webs. They will also be identifying what can/would happen when an animal is taken out of one biome and placed into one where it is not well adapted to survive. Following this, we will be doing a related web quest where students will learn about photosynthesis and how it is vital to our survival. Our science unit on Ecology will culminate with a field trip to Howell Wetlands where students will be able to witness firsthand, how plants and animals interact and depend on one another for survival in an ecosystem.


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