Welcome to 6th Grade!
Wow, summer just seemed to fly by once again this year! It's hard to believe school is back in session. I'm excited about moving to 6th grade, having my own homeroom and teaching a subject I really enjoy - math! I will be using this website to keep you informed of important things happening in my class and at Delaware. This will include: important dates, upcoming events and what we are doing in my math class, including the standard(s) being taught.
The first few days of school we will be focusing on SOAR rules and procedures, learning a little bit about each other and, of course, some paperwork, netbook/locker assignments, etc. At the end of the week we will begin learning about our first math standard of the year: 6.2.3 - Multiply and divide decimals. We will be spending approximately one week on this standard depending on how quickly students are able to master it. From here, we will move to a standard that builds upon this one: 6.2.8 - Calculate given percentages of quantities and solve problems discounts at sales, interest earned and tips.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you ever have a question about homework or what we are working on at the moment. I'll do my best to keep this site updated as much as possible. My goal is for you to always know what is going on in my class and at Delaware in general. An open line of communication is a great way to ensure student success and achievement. I look forward to working with both students and parents to ensure that this year is a success!
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