
Showing posts from August, 2013

Learn Those Facts!

As we have learned our first standard this year (6.NS.3 - Fluently divide multi-digit numbers) it has become apparent that a large number of students still do not know their multiplication facts. This is a major obstacle when trying to do long division. As a result, I've encouraged to practice their multiplication facts in a variety of ways: using flash cards, writing their facts, quizzing classmates, etc. We will begin using the two websites below, along with our Tier 2 Intervention program,  Ascend Math , a lot this year to improve fact fluency and overall math skills. Sumdog XtraMath

Division & Decimals

Now that we have finished all of our back-to-school activities such as rules & procedures, paperwork and getting to know one another, it is time to get started on math! For the next week or so, we will be focusing on the following standards that pertain to decimals and long division: 6.NS.2 - Fluently divide multi-digit numbers 6.NS.3 - Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals IN 6.2.3 - Multiply and divide with decimals A typical math unit looks like this for students: Step 1 : Notebooking - Students learn the concept and do guided practice with teacher Step 2 : Pretest - Students take a pretest to determine what level of proficiency they are at on each standard Step 3 : Math Stations & Small Group - Students are divided up into levels based on the results of their pretest. Students in level 1 will be in a small group with me. Students in level 2 will be working on various stations for the standard they need practice mastering. Students...

Welcome to 6th Grade!

Wow, summer just seemed to fly by once again this year! It's hard to believe school is  back in session. I'm excited about moving to 6th grade, having my own homeroom and teaching a subject I really enjoy - math!  I will be using this website to keep you informed of important things happening in my class and at Delaware. This will include: important dates, upcoming events and what we are doing in my math class, including the standard(s) being taught. The first few days of school we will be focusing on SOAR rules and procedures, learning a little bit about each other and, of course, some paperwork, netbook/locker assignments, etc. At the end of the week we will begin learning about our first math standard of the year: 6.2.3 - Multiply and divide decimals. We will be spending approximately one week on this standard depending on how quickly students are able to master it. From here, we will move to a standard that builds upon this one: 6.2.8 - Calculate given percentages of q...