Big Tests Ahead!
Are you tired of snow yet? I sure am. It has really put a wrinkle into plans here at school. The biggest concern is that two very important tests are coming up and we've lost a lot of instructional time this winter due to all of the snow days. Acuity "C" will be given next week for both math and ELA. This is an important predictive test to see where students stand and how prepared they are for ISTEP. Speaking of ISTEP, the applied skills section of the test is less than a month away! This portion of the ISTEP test will begin on Monday, March 3. We have a lot of work to do in math before this time, including a unit coming up on geometry. We are nearing the end of our algebra unit which I know will be a relief to many students. Algebra for students at this age can be a challenging concept. I hope the change in gears over to geometry will be a welcome sight for many students. Parents and caregivers, please make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep, getting proper n...