Say It Ain't Snow!

Oh my, a snow day before Thanksgiving?!?! I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. We will hope for the best and that this year does not end up anything like last year! We have too many fun things to do and learn; nobody has time for snow days!

When we are in school, we will continue to work on computation with exponents and order of operations in math. We will soon be getting into algebra where students will be evaluating and writing algebraic expressions.

In science, we are continuing to learn about forces and motion. Students have had the chance to do some hands-on learning with our science kits. We are using roller coasters to model and explain potential and kinetic energy. We will soon be discussing Galileo, Newton and the laws of motion and how they affect our lives on Earth.

We have also started doing some social studies lessons during our enrichment period. Students are learning some map skills right now, including latitude, longitude and world geography (oceans, continents, etc.). In the coming weeks, we will begin a project on important events and people in European history. I hope to get students excited about social studies and make them aware of how important our past and history is and how exciting it can be to learn more about!


  1. Hi Mr. Jaques how have you been I love your blog come check out mine!


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