Fractions, Decimals & Ecology
In math, we have been studying fractions and decimals. Students are learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and decimals. We will be starting a new standard this week: 6.C.3: Solving real-world problems with fractions and decimals. In this unit, students will learn how to solve problems involving fractions with different denominators and problems involving money in decimal notation. These standards require students to constantly use their multiplication facts to solve problems involving long division, finding the least common multiple (denominator) and greatest common factor (reducing fractions). Please encourage and help your child study and learn their multiplication facts (0-12).
In science, we have started our ecology unit. Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another in their environment. Students are doing an independent research project in Google Presentations using their netbook. Please ask your child what they are learning about ecology. We plan on taking a field trip to Wesselman Woods later this month so students can extend and apply what they learned about ecology in the classroom in a real-world setting.
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